Duša Jesih: Camouflage

Festival Art Stays, Ptuj, July 4 – September 8 2024

Duša Jesih: Camouflage – A Play of Light and Shadows

At the Mihelič Gallery in Ptuj, visitors are able to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of artist Duša Jesih, where the boundaries between the real and the illusory are blurred. The exhibition “Camouflage” is not just a presentation of paintings, but a holistic experience that intertwines art with space and invites active participation. Jesihova’s masterful use of geometric shapes, colours and textures blend into the gallery space, creating the illusion of movement and change. Her works are not static paintings on canvas, but active elements that confront and integrate with the space. This creates a unique symbiosis between art and the environment that awakens the viewer’s curiosity and encourages exploration.
The exhibition is not a retrospective of past work, but a look into the future of the artist’s work. It presents her current focus and offers a glimpse into the new directions that art is exploring in the context of space. The concept of camouflage, which is the name of the exhibition, is not only a metaphor for a hiding place, but also illustrates the way art interacts with its surroundings. The works adapt to the space, integrate into it and thus actively co-create it. The exhibition will present new installations designed specifically for the Mihelič Gallery that make use of architecture.

Duša Jesih was born on 16 January 1977 in Ljubljana. In 1996, she completed the Secondary School for Design and Photography in Ljubljana, specialising in graphic design. She obtained her BA in painting at the College of Visual arts in Ljubljana where she also completed her specialisation in painting three years later. In the period 2006–2007, Jesih attended specialisation courses at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris. In 2012, she enrolled in the master’s programme at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana and received the Prešeren Award for students in 2015. She lives in Ljubljana.