About museum

Naslovna slika

About museum

Ptuj Ormož Regional Museum is a special museum with collections and sections for archaeology, history, cultural history, ethnology, restoration workshops and other services. It was founded in 1893, when the Museum Society in Ptuj was established and archaeological findings were exhibited in the then lower grammar school.

In 1895 the professor Franc Ferk donated numerous artefacts of various types to the museum, which was thus named after the donor – Ferk’s Municipal Museum. In the course of years, the exhibition grounds became too small; consequently the museum moved to the former Dominican monastery in 1928.

After 1945 the castle complex was placed under the management of the museum, and so it acquired most of its present facilities. The museum continued to extend the geographical scope of its activities, and in 1963 it was named, Regional Museum Ptuj. At present the museum covers the wider area of Ptuj and Ormož, famous for its rich prehistoric and antique sites (Roman Poetovio), the period of migrations of peoples, medieval and modern age monuments, which bear witness to cultural and economic importance of Ptuj and its surroundings, as well as of rich folklore traditions.


Na gradu 1
2250 Ptuj
Rezervacije prostorov
Use of museum premises
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Wedding at Ptuj Castle
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